GRUBBRR offers loyalty features that can be created and managed through our Portal. We partner with a variety of loyalty services so that you can manage everything loyalty from within the GRUBBRR Portal.
Loyalty Setup
GRUBBRR offers businesses the ability to create loyalty programs per individual location or across multiple locations. If you are a multi-location business, you will decide before your ‘Go Live’ date which setup works best for you.
Loyalty Parameters
You will also be able to decide the parameters of your loyalty program. From the GRUBBRR Portal, you can customize whether loyalty points are earned based on customer visits or dollars spent. Based on this choice, you can then decide how many points each visit or dollar spent is worth. Because this choice is done at the company level, it will affect the way every location earns points.
To customize these settings:
- Log in to the GRUBBRR Portal using Company-level credentials
- Select CRM from the left sidebar menu
- Select Loyalty Program from the dropdown
- Select +Add New
- On the Create Loyalty Program Page, make the following configurations:
- Give the Loyalty Program a Name
- Select the appropriate Loyalty Partner from the dropdown list
- These were configured when your account was onboarded with GRUBBRR
- Make sure the flag Is Active is Enabled
- Select the Location where you will use this loyalty program
Loyalty Rewards
Loyalty rewards are created in the GRUBBRR Portal and can be redeemed on Kiosks or POS devices. To create loyalty rewards:
- Log in to the GRUBBRR Portal using Company or Location-level credentials
- Select CRM from the left sidebar menu
- Select Loyalty Reward from the dropdown
- On the Loyalty Rewards list, click Add New in the top right corner
- On the Create Loyalty Reward page, make the following configurations:
- If configuring rewards at the Company Level, be sure to select the appropriate Loyalty Program
- Name the reward
- Select the reward type
- Enter how many points it costs
- Enter the value of the reward
- Optional:
- Total Quantity is the total amount of this reward that can be redeemed
- Per Contact is the number of times a reward can be redeemed by each customer
- Rewards can be given start and end dates as well
Loyalty Functionality
Users create loyalty accounts at kiosks by entering their name, phone number, and email. After an account is created for the first time, the account will automatically appear once a phone number is entered.
Loyalty features pair with the returning customers feature. If ‘Returning Customers’ is enabled, users will be able to see and re-order their last 5 purchases on a separate screen. This screen will also provide customers with their loyalty point balance.