GRUBBRR's Android Kiosk application can be emulated using Bluestacks. This versatile tool allows us to provide virtual demos, preview changes to a menu, and even perform some troubleshooting processes. In this article, we'll give you a brief tour of the emulator and show you how you can use the system.
Installing the Android Kiosk Emulator
Before you can use the Android kiosk emulator, you need a program that is capable of running APK files. The most common and easily accessible version of this software is called Bluestacks. Once you've downloaded and installed this software, follow the steps below to install a kiosk app on your PC.
Configuring Bluestacks
You can use Bluestacks as an emulator for both the GRUBBRR Kiosk and the GRUBBRR KDS. Start by downloading your desired build from the GRUBBRR Build Site, then:
- Locate the shortcut for Bluestacks, either on your desktop or in your PC's Start Menu
- Right-click on the icon and select Run as Administrator
- When asked if you would like to allow the program to make changes to your computer, select Yes
- Click on the Settings icon in the right sidebar
- Select Preferences
- Toggle the option labeled Allow Bluestacks to Display Ads during Gameplay off
- Click Save Changes
Installing an APK in BlueStacks
- Click the Install APK button in the right sidebar, or press ctrl+shift+B on your keyboard to open the file browser
- Select the App Version you want to install from your downloads folder
- Once the program finishes installing the APK, you should be able to see your new kiosk app on the Bluestacks Home Screen
- Note: Make sure to verify that you're using the appropriate build for your needs; the APK version you install will determine which environment (Staging/Production) and features you have access to.
- Click on the app icon to open the Android Kiosk Emulator
- Sign in to the Kiosk using the appropriate login and password; in the example below, this would require a login and password.
Updating/Downgrading APKs in Bluestacks
If you need to update or downgrade the version of an APK in Bluestacks, you can not just overwrite the file. Bluestacks requires you to uninstall the current version of the apk before installing a new version using the process outlined above. To uninstall an APK:
- On the App Player home screen, click and hold the APK icon for roughly three seconds, until the options dropdown appears
- Select Uninstall from the dropdown menu
- Once Bluestacks has uninstalled the APK, you can install a new version of the app.
Screensharing the Kiosk Emulator
The best ways to share your Kiosk Emulator screen vary, depending on what software you use for conferencing. We've summarized two practical methods below:
Using Google Meet in the Google Chrome Browser (Preferred):
- Click the Present Now button at the bottom of the page
- On the Choose What to Share window, make sure you're on the Window submenu
- Select the option labeled Bluestacks App Player
Note: Make sure you have followed the steps outlined in the Configuring Bluestacks section above, or your emulator will show potentially distracting ads in the sidebar.
Using Zoom
Because Zoom is a separate app, it can require some extra steps to screenshare. While Zoom does allow you to share a window, it will also show all of the developer tools, leading to a cluttered presentation. Instead, follow the steps below to show the kiosk screen to other Zoom participants.
Note: Because of the way this configuration works, we strongly recommend setting it up before starting the meeting and ensuring that no other tabs, notifications, or windows will overlap the viewing area.
- Click on the green Share Screen button at the bottom of the Zoom window
- Click Advanced in the Share Screen window
- On the Advanced Options tab, select Share a Portion of Screen
Resize the viewfinder box so that it aligns with the edges of the kiosk emulator screen
- Note: Remember to ensure that no other windows, tabs, or boxes will overlap with the viewing area- this works best with dual monitors
If properly configured, this is what other members of the conference should see: